Thursday, 10 October 2019

Planning Blog for Dunkin Donuts Commercial

We will be making a Dunkin Donuts commercial. In order to plan for this commercial, we will be explaining the different aspects of the film shoot.The purpose of planning is to get all of our thoughts out and have detail. With detail it will make the actual filming easier, because with an outline, we already know in advance what we need for our commercial. Having more detail in our plan is better due to the fact that our filming can be done more efficiently. Story boarding is also effective because its a vision on what the actors will being preforming. Both methods of an outline and story boarding are effective because a lot of detail goes into the plans. 

  • Props: out props will include a Dunkin Donuts coffee, and a Dunkin Donuts doughnut box. This is product placement and our subject. 
  • Costumes: Casual clothing that's school appropriate. To represent the everyday student getting Dunkin. 
  • Schedule: 10/10 planning blog, 10/14 Story board, 10/17 story boarding approval, 10/22 filming on campus, 10/24 editing, 10/28 submission. 
  • Location List: Senior patio, Main hallway walking in casually with product
  • Back up plan: Alternate location is main media stairs or covered hallway.This location is still effective because the message can get across and shows common student area. If a member is absent another group member will take the role. 

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