Friday, 25 October 2019


   When we were filming our commercial all the members in my team had different roles. There was a director, actors, and filmer/ person recording. When we first got outside we weren't sure who was going to do what. After the location was decided on our individual tasks started. We followed our story board and I ended up taking the first shots of the commercial. I was tracking one of the actors and getting a wide shot. It all ran smoothly even though the camera was hand held. The phone quality was better than the class cameras and I found it a lor easier to hold, work, and move. I recorded the same shot multiple times. I wanted to make sure the shot was clear, used enough time, and didnt have any other problems.
   After I recorded a couple of clips I changed roles. I became the director instead and told my group members what to do. At first I put the first actress in her place and explained how the shot and take should be carried out and how she should walk as well as the speed. I listened to feedback and applied it to make filming easier and more fun for everyone. I later told the cameraman how the shot should look and where he should walk to get the right movement, angle, and speed. As I was seeing everything play out in front of my eyes and not being distracted by filming or acting I saw what should be changed, added, and/or removed to make the overall product look neat and professional. We added and changed a couple of shots. We all agreed that this outcome was a lot better than we had expected. After a while we added another actor in the clips. I had a lot of new things to think about and look for.
   When we added the second actor I realized it was more complicated to handle than just having one person. I had to think about how they would walk, stand, and interact to get the right message across. Behind the scenes I was watching the looking out for any disturbances in the back and anything the actors could improve on. I realized that some of the interactions seemed very forced and fake. The dialogue also sounded like it was straight from a script which was not good. I gave them my feedback and resolved the issues we were having. I was also checking in with the camera man to make sure we were including all the shots and angles we needed. After we recorded, as a group, we looked back on the footage and watched out for flaws. If we saw something off we would re-film and see which version we liked better. After we finished filming my job was done and we went back in the classroom to dump the footage onto the computer.

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