Friday, 16 October 2020

Short Film vs. Feature Length Film

 I watched both the short and feature film of 9. I liked both of them a lot. They were very different but so alike at the same time. I watched the short film first and was confused at times because there was no dialogue. In the feature film, however, there was a dialogue that made everything a lot easier to understand. There were also more characters in the feature film. It made the plot and the whole story more eventful. In the short film, in the end, there was only 9 left, however, in the feature film, it was him and a few other characters. In the short film, there was also only the soul of 5 that was showed released while in the full-length film there were the souls of the others who died throughout the movie as well. I liked this part because it made me see the different types of characters that were involved in the entire plot making the story what it was.

In the short film, there was also only one monster while in the longer film there were multiple. This made more sense to the storyline though since there were even more characters. The fact that there were more characters and monsters made the film better in my opinion. There were certain parts in the feature film that I recognized from the short film. There were obvious similarities like the names and the broad plot of the monster and it ends up being defeated. However, even though there were certain scenes that were similar they were used differently in the feature film. Like the way a monster was killed was very similar but there were parts added and parts that were different. Overall I think I liked the feature film better than the short film. It had more detail and because of the dialogue, it made it better and easier to understand. They were both very well done.

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